Unpack particulars regarding past, present and future technology used by educators.

Throughout this course we’ve gotten the chance to  dive into distributed and open learning, and many aspects within and around them, resulting in me getting the chance to really research and get into the technology used by educators. Ive previously spoken about my thoughts regarding the history of distributed and open learning in my topic post #2(Link below).

Topic 2 Post

In this post i dive into my thoughts regarding just how far open learning dates back to, and whilst doing so i had the opportunity to research the type of technology that was used to assist in the development of open learning.

https://opentextbc.ca/teachinginadigitalage/chapter/section-8-1-a-short-history-of-educational-technology/,  this site did a great job of breaking down the past technologies used to relay information such as oral communication, written communication and video broadcast, and further includes the evolution to the use of the internet and social media.  Despite most of my research regarding the technologies used in the classroom began throughout the topic 2 readings, I got a lot of information from the topic #1 readings that dive into some of the restrictions and precautions taken before publicly posting educational content and the terms behind privacy protection which really affect the way in which current educators relay information and the way in which it is appropriated by the students. More of my opinion on it is expanded on in my topic #1 post.(Link below)

Topic 1 Discussion

Regarding the potential future of the technologies used in the classroom, this could be a whole case study in itself. Technologies that will shape future classrooms, this article by forbes does a great job in showcasing the potential of technology taking education to the next level, and after learning and researching on the development of distributive and open learning, I’ve learnt that change is inevitable and as an educator it’s my job to ensure that i’m adapting alongside the technology. Current OER are effective and are being used/implemented by educators more and more even without some students recognising. I get more into my thoughts and experiences with OER-enabled pedagogy in my topic #4 post after its readings which showed me just how much I’ve unknowingly been exposed to OER. (Link below)

Topic 4 Post

All in all, this course has really opened my eyes to just how much i’ve been exposed to in the past and allowed me to not only make educated predictions of what’s to come but to prepare for these changes as an educator.


Bates, A.W. (Tony). “6.2 a Short History of Educational Technology.” Teaching in a Digital Age, Tony Bates Associates Ltd, 5 Apr. 2015, opentextbc.ca/teachinginadigitalage/chapter/section-8-1-a-short-history-of-educational-technology/.

Bates, A.W. (Tony). “10.1 Open Learning.” Teaching in a Digital Age, Tony Bates Associates Ltd, 5 Apr. 2015, opentextbc.ca/teachinginadigitalage/chapter/10-4-open-education/.

Editors, Forbes Technology Council. “Council Post: 14 Predictions for the Future of Classroom Technology.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 13 Jan. 2020, www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2020/01/13/14-predictions-for-the-future-of-classroom-technology/?sh=15f52aa151c5.