My understanding of privacy protection, freedom of information, and general human-centred learning post completing the readings was broadly enhanced.

On the basis of information sharing, there’s a lot that I agree with. Posting personal information exposes yourself to a certain level of vulnerability online, however, for educational purposes, it poses multiple benefits one of which being the ability for ‘edtechs’ and other online platforms to distinguish and deliver more personalised information to the individual with the help of AI, data analysis and more; which all require the user’s personal data to be effective. I would also like to broaden my knowledge on the different AI tech used by these online services to make this possible. (Ethics and Information Technology)

That being said there are a few things i feel like should be done/reinforced, one being better broadcasting of the rights an individual possesses regarding their own personal data once on a public domain and the efforts taken to ensure their personal data is kept secure because without taking this course i probably would never have gone out of my way to read an FIPPA document.

I didnt really have an ‘Aha!’ moment, however, i did come to a realization of the importance and effectiveness of using a secure password manager to generate and remember strong passwords. Finding a password the fulfils all the recommendations inorder to be considered ‘strong’ can be tiresome process and become pretty difficult to keep track of once you factor in having to change it frequently; finding out all these efforts can be greatly minimised by having a good password manager, makes life alot easier.


Regan, P., & Jesse, J. (2019). Ethical challenges of edtech, big data and personalized learning: Twenty-first century student sorting and tracking. Ethics and Information Technology, 21(3), 167-179. DOI: 10.1007/s10676-018-9492-2

Vaughan, N. D., Garrison, D. R., & Cleveland-Innes, M. (2013). Teaching in blended learning environments: Creating and sustaining communities of inquiry. AU Press.

“Acceptable Use of Electronic Information Resources” (2018) University of Victoria.

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Regulation. (2012).